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All the time in a sentence

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Sentence count:276+25Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: day in and day outSimilar words: by the timeat the time offor the time beingfull-timeat all timestake timelifetimeat one timeMeaning: adv. without respite. 
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211. Trumpets blew all the time, and drums were beating.
212. Gabrielle talks about her kids all the time.
213. The couple upstairs argue all the time.
214. Toby talks about you all the time.
215. But all the time wearing a blindfold.
216. Bill talks about football all the time.
217. At night when I used to sleep, I was thinking all the time that shall I put a knife under my pillow. Malala Yousafzai 
218. I don't mind training hard, because you get better and better all the time.
219. While Man has stopped developing, animals seem to learn, adapt and change all the time.
220. I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we are in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the timeBill Watterson 
221. The bairn started bringing his milk back up all the time when he was just a few days old.
222. You know... There is a name for people who are always wrong about everything all the time... Husband!!! Bill Maher 
223. Residents living south of the proposed annexation told the Weekly that car accidents on Wilmot happen all the time.
224. On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good[], and not quite all the timeGeorge Orwell 
225. Middlesbrough were growing in confidence all the time, winning the midfield battle and occasionally opening the Ipswich defence.
226. But that isn't to say that doing research is like breathing - you do it all the time without realising.
227. Honesty makes people feel good about themselves, but it is difficult to be living honestly all the time in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
228. He would be breathing down your neck all the time.
229. Young girls come up to me all the time to ask for advice. They see me as a survivor. Drew Barrymore 
230. She worries about him all the time. 1943 I am fourteen months old when my father goes away to war.
231. But all the time, Cranston said, the cost of keeping his place in the U. S. Senate grew more expensive.
231. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
232. If she carried on lying down all the time, she might develop congestion of the lungs, bronchitis, even pneumonia.
233. Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it. Mark Twain 
234. Roll the head three times to the left, then three times to the right, breathing easily all the time.
235. You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it. Neil Gaiman 
236. There is a massive sub-culture there, looking backwards and it's getting more insidious all the time.
237. It was the first, all the time, in the cubicle, the lavatory, that Parker took a backward step.
238. I think he should get a hearing aid - it's easier than shouting all the time.
239. The use of computers in production is extending all the time, as fully-automated plants and robots can bear witness.
240. Gives the idea of slogging uphill all the time on skins.
More similar words: by the timeat the time offor the time beingfull-timeat all timestake timelifetimeat one timesometimesometimesat the same timefrom time to timeall thatall the moreand all thatall the sameall throughaestheticfall throughpull throughtimein timeon timeat timesat a timein no timeat no timeeach timemeantimelongtime
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